And Then There Were Just Three…
As Prerana’10 ended on a rocking note, so did the month of October and plans were made on the journey back to doon yet again! And It was exactly at that point of time that reality struck me, real hard! And so here I am finally checking out my blog to take it out of a deep slumber recently and pen down my thoughts…
What started as a ‘Chaos Theory’ and remains much more so even 16 months after, is coming to an abrupt end, at a pace not contemplated by many. Yes, there are only 3 months left.. That’s all the time remaining to mark an end to what in all probability should be my final stint at college (& for many more too). Much has changed from the time it all started in June’09 and much more is expected to change by the time its all over. But one thing which will definitely not change come what may: It is going to be all over come Jan’10 end.
The CEAS and the movies, the parties and the beaches, the college lecture halls and the hostels, friends and acquaintances, what was and what could have been: all that is about to come at a full stop. And ‘work-life’ balance is soon going to become the talk of the town once again and forever afterwards…
Well its not quite the right time to become nostalgic just as yet, but yes few random thoughts do linger on: the amazing CEAS bonhomie and P-16 chronicles (through thick and thin) are the ones that really stand out amongst all. The one thing still not sorted out: When and how will I find the “Miss Understanding” (if at all I will someday/night)? And even more importantly: Will there be an end or an obvious extension to my love for the ‘Land of the Sea’ :P
So as I somehow manage to find time for the classics of the Nolan, Aronofosky, Kubrick, Polanski, Coppola, Fincher, Coen brothers and the Scorsees of Hollywood amidst the real tight academic schedule ;). And to the journey of the next 3 months @ NITIE, Mumbai, the final countdown has indeed begun. A countdown to end all countdowns really!!
And I don’t think I am prepared well enough to look beyond just as yet!!
Remember: Only three!!!